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What is crypto mining & how does it work?

In short, crypto mining is how new units of cryptocurrency —usually called coins—are created. As you can imagine, this type of mining doesn’t involve callused hands gripping pickaxe handles. Instead, it’s computer processors that do all the hard work, chipping away at complex math problems.

What are ASIC mining shipping containers?

ASIC mining shipping containers are designed and built to maximize modularity, productivity and profitability for crypto and bitcoin mining. Discover our options, availability and prices. The connectable container is an innovative design that combines the quality of our M3 Asic Model with a connectable containersetting.

What is a connectable container?

Discover our options, availability and prices. The connectable container is an innovative design that combines the quality of our M3 Asic Model with a connectable containersetting. This configuration offers a host of advantages and is built to maximize productivity and profitability for crypto and bitcoin mining.

Why should you use a minerbase mining container?

It provides you with a high flexibility to ship or transport your crypto mining farm to any location with the best electricity rate. Increased miner capacity in Minerbase mining containers also help you be more cost effective in logistics.

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